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How Jooble Premium works? Take a look at a short intro!

To provide our customers with more information how to use our service more effectively, we created a series of short video tutorials. Hope they will be useful in your daily recruitment routine. If not — do not hesitate to ask us for help!

So, how Jooble works?

How to register?
In order to register for having premium traffic, click on the main page of Jooble on “For Job Boards”. You will see a form to submit a request for premium and organic traffic. Fill it out by choosing Traffic plan: Premium traffic. After that, our manager will contact you and provide you with information on launching the campaign.

How to make a payment in the dashboard?
If you want to make a payment in your dashboard, please contact your manager and ask to enable this feature for your account. Once this feature is active, you will be able to make payments. To get started, click on “Settings” on the right and select “Billing and payments”. After that, enter the payment amount, your email and check the “Terms and Service” checkbox. Next, enter your card information. We would like to note that Jooble does not store your card details, so you will have to enter your information every time to make a payment.

How to create and segment new campaigns?
Once you’ve added special tags to your feed, you’ll be able to create campaigns and set separate prices and budgets. To create a new campaign, click on “Campaigns Management” – “Create new campaign”. Next, enter a name for the campaign. You can segment the vacancies according to 5 criteria: Keyword in job title, Location, Company name, Substring or query string in URL, Trigger keyword in the XML tag. Enter the tag from the feed in a certain checkbox to sort the desired jobs. Enter CPC, budget and UTM if needed. You will automatically have our standard UTM specified. After that, the created campaign will appear on the “All campaigns” page.

How to make and control a standard paid campaign in the dashboard?
As soon as the Premium campaign is launched, you will be able to view statistics on clicks, change prices and budgets. Open the “Campaign Insights” page and select the hour period for which you are interested to view click statistics. You can see clicks by hour, days, weeks, months on the chart. To change CPC and set the budget, select “All campaigns”. Click on “Actions” – “Edit” in the checkbox. Here you can specify the price, budget, UTM. You will automatically have our standard UTM specified. Don’t forget to save changes.

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Date: 21 July 2022
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Useful materials about job search in your mail