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How Jooble works

Jooble is an aggregator that collects all available vacancies from various sources, such as job boards, ads, corporate websites, social networks, and other resources. This way, all job offers are available in one place, which makes our website a useful tool for job seekers. It is also helpful for marketers because it is a productivity-oriented product. We strive to ensure that every marketers sources relevant candidates efficiently and quickly with our help.

In this article, we will talk about creating aggregator value for clients, collecting vacancies in the database, adding a logo to the vacancy, and how we collect vacancies ourselves and can change the frequency of their updates and other tools that help our clients be successful.

How is an aggregator valuable for marketers?

With Jooble traffic, marketers can source relevant candidates efficiently and quickly. We know how to attract targeted candidates to your vacancy to maximize ROI. We understand how important it is for you to get the maximum amount of eligible candidates at a reasonable cost.

We work on the principle of auction. Depending on the click price, vacancies are higher in the issue, and, respectively, receive more conversions. The auction is also our system for monitoring and managing traffic for customers. This way, the customer/partner/potential customer can monitor the traffic they receive from Jooble, create different vacancy segments, and manage paid traffic from Jooble. In a personal account, the client can change settings in real-time, change the campaign’s current budget and individual vacancy segment, change the cost per click, change the breakdown of vacancies by segments, stop the campaign, and launch a new one. The client can also view statistics for all campaign segments at any time.

Check the video above to learn how to create and segment new campaigns in Jooble dashboard

Check this video to learn how to create and control Premium campaigns in Jooble dashboard

We have a separate team – the Customer Success Team, which helps existing customers find the best solution for optimizing the campaign according to their goals and needs. Our customers can set up conversion tracking. This allows the Jooble manager to constantly monitor the results of paid campaigns and provide recommendations to the marketer on campaign optimization. We work with each of our clients on the cooperation system that will be the most effective for them. The cooperation model may change depending on the change of the client’s request.

How do we collect vacancies?

Jooble indexes sites in its database by indexing an XML feed or HTML. The convenience of transferring a vacancy via an XML feed is that it allows you to transfer a large amount of vacancies without additional load on the client’s site. Also, it is essential that when you change vacancies in the feed on the client’s side, all changes are automatically displayed on the Jooble site.
All specifications for creating an XML feed are available at: 

We have a separate team that checks the quality of vacancies and the possibility of adding them to our database. We do not aggregate vacancies pages that specialize in volunteer vacancies, with incomplete and questionable descriptions, where there is no possibility of free feedback, where there are bad redirects, and there is no relevant information from the aggregators’ sites. The team checks the relevance and quality of the vacancy on a regular basis.

Logo in the vacancy

Premium customers and Jooble partner customers have the opportunity to add a logo to vacancies on the Jooble website. In our experience, vacancies with a logo are more attractive to the search engine. If the logo on your vacancies must be present, contact your manager, and we will meet you halfway.

Logo in the vacancy

Vacancies relevance and updates

We want the information on Jooble to be always relevant for job seekers, so we update vacancies up to 8 times a day. This way, we can synchronize the feed refresh rate on our side and the client-side for fresh vacancies to be sent to the newsletter and receive as much feedback as possible from the candidates.

As vacancies get to the mailings

Every candidate on the Jooble site has the opportunity to subscribe and receive current vacancies upon request to their e-mail. This newsletter includes the latest relevant vacancies available on Jooble.

If you have any questions or want to test Jooble’s ability to source relevant candidates, feel free to contact us at:

Date: 14 July 2022
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Useful materials about job search in your mail