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What is an applicant tracking system (ATS)

What is an applicant tracking system (ATS)

The modern recruiting process comes with specific challenges for job seekers. One of the main ones is dealing with ATS software. In this article, you’ll find all the necessary information about applicant tracking systems, how they work, and how to optimize a resume for them.

Decoding Applicant Tracking Systems

Let’s start with the ATS meaning. ATS software stands for applicant tracking system. It is a program designed to streamline the recruitment process. Job seekers might not even realize how often they encounter applicant tracking systems in the hiring process. Here are some eye-opening statistics on the usage of such software.

  • 75% of recruiters use ATS software;
  • 98% of Fortune 500 companies use it in their talent management process;
  • About 94% of professionals claim that ATS software improves the hiring process;
  • At the same time, many hiring managers note that an applicant tracking system cannot always be correct. A lot of times, potential candidates get low rankings because of formatting, imperfect filtering systems, or lack of specific keywords. Overall, about 70% of resumes are removed by ATS software if they do not match the initial job posting criteria;
  • 80% of job seekers prefer to deal with recruiters directly instead of applicant tracking systems.

Here comes the central conflict of interest. Qualified candidates often want to communicate with hiring managers instead of being filtered by an algorithm. However, major companies work with ATS software because it makes talent acquisition faster, cheaper, and more efficient. There are no signs of ATS slowing down, as hiring stakeholders view it as highly beneficial. The global market for such programs will be worth $3.2 billion by 2026. Currently, it grows in CAGR at a 6.7% rate. These algorithms are highly beneficial for employers as they allow management job applications quickly and with minimal human involvement. Recruitment software is especially crucial for large companies as they deal with hundreds of applications for all job postings. If you have ever applied for a job online, chances are you’ve encountered an applicant tracking system already. Such algorithms screen resumes and evaluate them according to set requirements. They filter out the resumes they deem unsuitable for job descriptions, automatically disqualifying many job seekers.

Types of Applicant Tracking System ATS

Not all algorithms are created the same. In the field of recruitment process, there are three main types of applicant tracking system software, namely:

ATS to scan resumes

It organizes, tracks, and stores job descriptions, applications, and candidate information. Such programs are usually integrated with other company systems to ensure smooth data transition. Some of the most popular applicant-tracking software titles are Bullhorn, Greenhouse, and SmartRecruiters.

Standalone resume parsing

Such programs do only two things – resume parsing and data extraction. For instance, potential candidates can upload their resumes in different formats and via different channels. Resume parsing allows extracting exact data from various formats for easy processing.

AI-powered resume screening

These are advanced programs that do screening, parsing, analyzing, and evaluation. They use Machine Learning and AI to find keywords, phrases, and pre-determined criteria in resumes.

How ATS Works

Most applicant tracking systems work following the same logic. It can be broken down into several steps. However, the exact protocols depend on the software, integrations, and the company’s interests. An applicant tracking system does the following:

  1. The hiring manager enters job descriptions into ATS. It means job title, position, key skills, and required experiences.
  2. ATS creates a profile for an ideal candidate based on the given information.
  3. Some applicant tracking systems can also optimize listings and post on job boards.
  4. After the listing is posted, potential candidates apply to it. ATS receives resumes and does the parsing, sorting, and ranking. It makes the hiring process faster as the algorithm sorts and ranks candidates based on how their resume fulfills the initial requirements. For example, if the top requirement is “administrative assistant,” the program will rank high in every resume keyword regarding this experience.
  5. Recruiters move the most suitable candidates through the hiring process.

Some applicant tracking systems can also set interview dates and do other automation on the recruiting and hiring process.

Application Processing

Automated job posting and resume processing makes recruiting teams much more efficient. Imagine you are a recruitment manager in a huge company that attracts a lot of talent. You create a job description and post it. In a couple of hours, you get hundreds of applications. Realistically, it is impossible to process them all manually to find the top candidates quickly. A lot of times, people might apply for job postings they are not qualified for. They can do it on a whim or to try it out. After all, you never know what job seekers might think. But on the recruitment side, it is a considerable workload. Applicant tracking software can do it for the recruiting team by screening, parsing, and sorting. Automated systems follow the set guidelines and filter out all unsuitable documents. If a resume matches all the essential requirements, it gets on top with a high ranking. You’ve got yourself a qualified candidate you want to interview. Now, you do not waste your time on irrelevant resumes and can move your recruitment strategy forward.

Sorting and Filtering Resumes

Applicant tracking systems have filtering systems to analyze and evaluate resumes. The flexibility depends on the exact software. But usually, recruiters can set specific keywords and phrases for job openings. The applicant tracking system will sort resumes according to those words and phrases. The idea is to quickly find the most qualified candidates. Usually, the same keywords are used in the job description. It is also beneficial for the hiring process from the talent’s perspective. For instance, if you are qualified and suitable for the position, you do not have to wait until hiring teams deal with hundreds of other applications. If ATS systems rank your resume high, you get through a hiring funnel extremely fast. You do not need to worry about your documents being lost. Overall, ATS resume scanners increase candidate experience and allow for the attraction of better candidates. However, the main issue is resume optimization for such software. Because the algorithm needs to correctly read and identify your qualifications, if it cannot do that, your candidate journey might end immediately.

Pros and Cons of Applicant Tracking Systems

Applicant tracking systems offer significant benefits for the hiring process.

Automatic posting on job boards

It is one of the ways to streamline the process and make things faster. The software also uses SEO to make the posts on job sites appear on top. Regarding candidate relationship management, such software allows the use of multiple sources of talent acquisition and automated interview scheduling.

Advanced parsing and filtering

The best applicant tracking system allows us to easily find the best candidates based on their experiences, skills, and competencies.

Analytics and Reporting

Recruiting teams get insights into the most efficient communication channels and reports on job market trends and seekers. ATS optimized resume system ensures teams can correctly create a job description and find prospective employees.

Better candidate engagement

Recruiting software ensures managers can engage with top talent quickly and effectively. Most prospective employees do not have to wait after answering a job opening. It means that the company won’t lose talent to other competitors.


Artificial intelligence and advanced features allow us to integrate ATS systems with other companies’ programs. It included CRM, talent databases, and communication channels. Overall, human resources teams hugely benefit from such programs. They handle repetitive tasks, enhance candidate relationship management, and make the hiring process quick. At the same time, there are some downsides to ATS programs as well, namely:

  • Not all systems are accurate. Harvard Business Review study shows that over 88% of hiring professionals felt that algorithms ignored skilled candidates because their applications didn’t match the exact criteria.
  • The biggest focus is on the exact keywords and phrases. Simple ATS cannot comprehensively analyze skills, experiences, and qualifications.
  • If the resume is not formatted correctly, the algorithm cannot read it. Therefore, it won’t get a high ranking. In this case, qualified candidates can be filtered out because their documents are in an unsuitable format. It is probably the biggest problem with job requisition and ATS.

Navigating the ATS Maze: Strategies for Optimizing Your Resume

Automatic interview scheduling is excellent, as well as reporting and analysis. However, there is no perfect technology to solve all the issues of recruiting processes. ATS can filter resumes based on keywords and disregard critical skills if they are not mentioned in an initial job description. In terms of job hunting, it is also a problem. Applicants must adjust their resumes to open positions so that the algorithm can properly parse them and extract data. It adds more hustle to the candidate experience, for sure. However, it is a necessary step.

Common Mistakes Hiring Managers Make and How to Avoid Them

When hiring candidates using ATS, recruiting teams often make similar mistakes.

Generic descriptions

The description has to be tailored to the exact position and role. Otherwise, recruiters end up with a generic text that is too broad for proper candidate selection. Ultimately, you might receive hundreds of irrelevant applications because job ads were not specific enough. Always add specific details about the role, technologies, certifications, skills, and company expectations.

Not updating ATS

It is a common mistake with any software. Regular and proper updates ensure the optimal functioning of a program. Updates fix bugs, introduces new features, and addresses potential security issues. You might miss an enhanced parsing or optimized filtering system if you skip an update.

Mission on passive candidates

These are candidates that didn’t actively apply for a job. But they might possess crucial skills and experience. It is essential to look through the database of previous applications and source information from open sources like LinkedIn.

Not using all integrations.

Recruiting teams can integrate ATS with a job board, social media, video interviewing software, and even background screening solutions. Integrations allow better data processing, individual approach, and enhanced candidate experience.

How to Optimize Resume for ATS

Whether you apply on branded career sites or career boards, you will most likely encounter an ATS in your job hunting. Professionals must update and adjust their documents for such algorithms. Otherwise, you won’t get a fair chance in the hiring process. Here are some of the best tips for doing so:

  • Look for keywords in the job description and match them in your resume. Use specific phrasing from the posting;
  • Tailor your resume to each application and company (specifically with the keywords);
  • Use not only acronyms but complete versions of critical terms. For instance – Search Engine Optimization (SEO) or Custom Relation Management system (CRM);
  • It is better to avoid a functional resume format. Stick to chronological or hybrid one;
  • Use classic fonts like Georgia, Garamond, Arial, Times New Roman, or Helvetica;
  • Be careful with headers and footers, as some ATS might not be able to parse them correctly. Repeat the crucial terms in the text as well;
  • Use traditional resume sections like “Education” or “Work Experience”;
  • Avoid using too many graphics or visual elements that might be unreadable for an ATS. Opt for traditional formats like PDF, DOC, or DOCX.

Overall, it is better to use clear wording and traditional style. Be precise with your skills, competencies, and keywords. Make sure your resume aligns with the job description.

Date: 29 February 2024
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